AC x BA Academic Cover Letter Writing Guide for the Academic/Tenure Track Job Market


This step-by-step guide to writing an academic cover letter is intended for anyone who wants some guidance in taking that first step in applying to an academic job - writing your cover letter! By the end of this process, we hope to answer all of your general questions about how to structure a top-notch cover letter.

Includes real examples from a successful tenure track assistant professorship application.

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This step-by-step guide to writing an academic cover letter is intended for anyone who wants some guidance in taking that first step in applying to an academic job - writing your cover letter! By the end of this process, we hope to answer all of your general questions about how to structure a top-notch cover letter.

Includes real examples from a successful tenure track assistant professorship application.

This step-by-step guide to writing an academic cover letter is intended for anyone who wants some guidance in taking that first step in applying to an academic job - writing your cover letter! By the end of this process, we hope to answer all of your general questions about how to structure a top-notch cover letter.

Includes real examples from a successful tenure track assistant professorship application.